Location Scroller Tool To change your latitude or longitude (when located on a planet) select this tool, then drag in the sky view. Hint: hold down the Command and Control keys to temporarily switch to this tool. Constellation Selection Tool To select constellations, choose this tool, then click in the sky. The constellation containing the point you clicked will become selected. Hint: hold down the Option and Control keys to temporarily switch to this tool. Shows heliocentric coordinates of viewing location. Indicates that you are currently hovering over a location. To not hover, turn off “Hover” in the location dialog box. Shows longitude of the current viewing location. Hint: to change your longitude, click here and either enter new longitude, or use the arrow keys to change by one degree at a time. To view the active document full screen without menus, click here. Hint: to get the menus back move the mouse into the area of the menu bar, or select one of the icons to the left. To view the active document full screen with menus, click here. To view the active document in a window, click here. Shows your current field of view. Hint: Click here to chose from a popup list of predefined fields of view. To return to a natural field of view, click here. To zoom in, click here. Not available because you are currently zoomed in as much as is allowed. To zoom in, click here. Shift key will speed the magnification.Option key will slow the magnification. To zoom out to a wider field of view, click here. Not available because you are currently zoomed out to your maximum field of view To zoom out to a wider field of view, click here. Shift key will speed the magnification.Option key will slow the magnification. Shows your current elevation. Hint: Click here to chose from a popup list of predefined elevations. Returns to your default viewing location (ie. where your computer is physically located) To “lift off” from your current location, click and hold this button. Not available because you are at your elevation limit and can rise up no more. To “lift off” from your current location, click and hold this button. Shift key will speed your ascent.Option key will slow your ascent. Command key will quickly raise you to the maximum level. To lower the elevation you are viewing from, click here. Not available because you are currently viewing from “ground” level and can not lower your elevation any more. To lower the elevation you are viewing from, click here. Shift key will speed your descent.Option key will slow your descent. Command key will quickly return you to ground level. Shows latitude of the current viewing location. Hint: to change your latitude, click here and either enter new latitude, or use the arrow keys to change by one degree at a time. To change the location you are viewing from, click here. To show and hide the mouse info window, click here. The mouse info window shows information about the current mouse location (for example, the constellation it is in, the name of the object it is over, and its celestial position.) To show and hide the planet window, click here. The planet window provides an easy way to locate planets and their satellites and to change planet display options (for example whether an orbit is shown for the planet). To show and hide the time window, click here. The time window allows you to change the current viewing time or to set time in motion. Movie Tool To record a movie, use this tool. Not available because you do not have the Apple QuickTime™ extension properly installed in your system folder. Movie Tool To record a movie, select this tool, then drag diagonally over the area you wish to record as a movie. Hints: hold down the Option and Shift keys to temporarily switch to this tool. Double-click to set recording preferences. Picture Selection Tool To select an area in the sky, choose this tool, then drag diagonally over the area you wish to select. Not available because you are using an unregistered version of Starry Night. Picture Selection Tool To select an area in the sky, choose this tool, then drag diagonally over the area you wish to select. Hints: Hold down the Shift key to temporarily switch to this tool. Double-click to open select entire window contents. Angular Separation Tool To determine the angular separation of two objects from your current viewing location, select this tool, then drag between the two objects. Not available because you are using an unregistered version of Starry Night. Angular Separation Tool To determine the angular separation of two objects, as seen from your current viewing location, select this tool, then drag between the two objects. Hint: hold down Option-Command-Control keys to temporarily switch to this tool. Magnification Tool To magnify an area of the sky, select this tool, then diagonally drag across the area you wish to magnify. To zoom out, hold down the Option key while you click. Hints: hold down the Command key to temporarily switch to this tool. Grabber Tool To view a different area of the sky, select this tool, then drag in the sky view until you locate the area you wish to view. Hint: hold down the space bar to temporarily switch to this tool. Object Selection Tool To select objects in the sky, select this tool, then click a sky object. Hints: hold down the Control key to temporarily switch to this tool. Double-click to open Preferences dialog.